Purchasing Policy


Responsible Purchasing Policy :

We hope that any raw materials we purchase will not affect the sustainable development of the earth's forests. Therefore, the suppliers wood sources would be a curcial factor for us to make supplier evaluation, which is based on, but not limited to, Canopy ForestMapper. Our sustainability strategy not only aligns with FSC™, but also makes a contribution to the UN's SDGs.

We Focus :

Supplier Safety and Environment, Legal Compliance, Ethics, Human Rights, and Fair Wage. We aspire to guide our suppliers toward the goals of sustainable development together.


We are committed to obtaining pulp from sustainable sources and using recycled materials, so the following raw materials sources are prohibited :

Illegally harvested wood, Wood from uncertified high conservation value forests, Timber harvested in ancient and endangered forests or habitats of endangered species, and Timber harvested in violation of traditional and civil rights.

Supplier Requirements :

Our Supplier Code of Conduct aims to have a positive impact on sustainable practices throughout the value chain. Suppliers should fully understand the requirements of this Supplier Code of Conduct.

Human Rights

EHS (Environment, Health and Safety)

Laws and Regulations

Business Ethics

FSC™ Certified Pulp & Recycled Cotton

The pulp used in producing AceGreen originates from well-managed forests, recycled materials and other controlled sources, and has obtained FSC™ certification. Additionally, We look into the source of the purchased wood to ensure that it comes from non-endangered or protected forests, and and continuously increase the use of of recycled materials. These measures mark the commencement of our sustainable development goals at the outset of the sourcing process.